Friday, March 28, 2008

Which do you like better?

Rick and I bought a bedroom set last night. We got one of the 2 beds here. I like them both, but at the store they only had the one in white. I went online and they show the other one in white too, and if they have it I may switch. What do you think?


Letti said...

thats a tough one I really like both of them.

Marilyn said...

I like the sleigh bed best.

Amelia said...

i like them both too...they're so similiar that i wouldn't notice a difference unless they're next to one another...but if i'm forced to pick i like the sleigh bed better too :)

apee said...

WEll the sleigh bed is the one we got and we decided to stick with that, I couldn't really decide either and I thought maybe asking would persuade me one way or the other...