Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So tomorrow I go in for this test called an IVP. Basically they shoot some iodine into your vein through an IV and then take x-rays to see how the kidneys, bladder and other various parts are working. When I was Logan's age I had a major surgery because my right Ureter(the tube urine travels from) was in the wrong place and not working correctly. They told us I would forever have issues. So here I am. I get UTI's all the time and recently, like the last 3-4 months I have had a never ending UTI. It won't go away, so we are going to look for some other possible causes. That leads to tomorrow. Anyway no big deal, just thought I would share, it's kinda interesting. Oh and yeah maybe keep me in your prayers that they DON"T find something serious! Here's what it looks like... except for the dude hee hee


Letti said...

I hope that they find what the problem is and that it's easily treatable. I will keep you in my prayers tonight. Let us know what happens.

Amelia said...

what??!! i knew you had surgery somewhere around your "guts" when you were little, but i didn't know that's why you keep getting those UTIs?!! urrrggg...sucks about tomorrow! hope your "guts" are working like they're supposed to tomorrow!! i'll call you and check on ya! love ya!!

apee said...

I have an appointment with a urologist Aug 12th, so hopefully by then I will know the results

Jessica said...

Hope they find a solution, I used to always get UTI's and kidney infections, both are horrible. Hope that tomorrow is the start to getting the problem fixed. I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts, keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I know it will all turn out fine!