Sunday, May 10, 2009

{5 Year Old Questionnaire}

Logan is 5 today! I cannot believe how fast time has gone by. It seems like yesterday he was a baby. Now he's a smart little boy! He's going to kindergarten this fall. He can recgonize several words and has read his first little book. He was so proud of himself! He loves Star Wars and is a great big brother to Brooklyn. He's a very sweet boy and I'm so thankful that he is so thoughtful and considerate to others. I'm so proud of the little boy he has become, so much imagination and energy. I love him so much and enjoy so much watching him grow everyday!

What is your favorite thing to do?
Drink soda

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite place?
home where I belong

What is your favorite food?
chicken nuggets

What is your favorite sport?
Baseball, football
FAvorite teams?
Chargers and Padres

Favorite movie?
Star Wars, Clone Wars

When are you the most happy?
I'm the happiest because I am 5 years old

What is your favorite time of the year?
Christmas and Easter

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Something special that I can't tell it's a secret. My favorite thing I want to do when I grow up is plant seeds

Who is your best friend?

Who is your favorite grown up besides me?

What do you do to help out around the house?
Clean and wash the floors

What is your favorite thing about your room?
Changing it

What is your favorite thing about your parents?
They buy me toys and stuff and take me camping

What do you plan to do this year that you are 5?
Be good


Jessica said...

I love his answers! See you on Saturday!

Amelia said...

So cute! Drink soda? or POP??!! haha :)