Sunday, May 10, 2009

{My Mother's Day Disaster!}

Ok so to set things straight I want to say thank you for the card and money from my wonderful hubby and kiddos. Even though Logan wanted to see what would happen when he put the card in the gutter outside, I still am very happy with my gift. But I would like to share what this day has been like and it's only 3 p.m.! First I start the morning washing the cars. I like my car clean and this is just something Rick doesn't do, which is fine, but you know it's mother's day! After Rick leaves to work I see that he leaves his cell here. So the kids and I get in the car to take it to him at work. I get there and forgot the phone. Wasted trip. Then I decide that since I have not been feeling well for a week I need to have this bladder infection checked out before we go camping. Go to Urgent Care with two small kids and get medicine. It was actually only and hour ordeal. After that we went grocery shopping. I'm sure all mom's want to grocery shop on Mother's day right? :-) Get home start some laundry. Logan informs me there is some kind of poop on the guest bed. Check it out and decide it does look weird, but not like poop. Decide to take bedding off to wash it. While removing quilt giant LIZARD pops off the bed onto the floor! So gross, I know. Can you believe that? I trapped the thing and it got away. Call husband who informs me it is good to have a lizard in the house! Are you kidding me? I can deal with the bugs myself I do not need a lizard for that problem. So now I am pretty much scoping out the door waiting for the little sucker to come out. This has been, to say the least, a very interesting mother's day. If not funny too!


Letti said...

I am sorry that you are not having a good day. I hope that the last half of your day gets better. I would be screaming if I saw that thing.

apee said...

I was screaming and truthfully I did have a great day it was just one of those funny days you would see on TV

Jessica said...

I think you need a "do over"

donnaj said...

Oh Apee! Urgent Care?! I'm sorry! I made a HUGE breakfast for everyone but me. AND did ALL the laundry that has piled up from being in bed all week. but no reptiles! had one once in the closet that ran out when I got the vacum. Screamed pretty loud! not sure how I got him outside.? I think you need to take your $ and get yourself whatever you have had your eye on! you deserve it OBVIOUSLY! X O