Sunday, May 10, 2009

I saw this on my friends blog and thought it was so cute! Brooklyn didn't last long but some of Logan's answers are so cute!
{Mother's Day Questionnaire}

What makes your mom sad?
Logan: when I'm not listening
Brooklyn: TV

How does your mom make you laugh?
Logan: Tickle
Brooklyn: A book

What was your mom like when she was a kid?
Logan: Soccer
Brooklyn:A little girl

How old is your mom?
Logan: 29

How tall is your mom?
Logan: 22
Brooklyn: Big

What is your mom's favorite thing to do?
Logan: be a home person

What does your mom do when you are not around?
Logan: do girls night
Brooklyn: gone

What is your mom really good at?
Logan: working on the computer

What is your mom not really good at?
Logan: Working at Walgreens
Brooklyn: at this point she lost interest

What does your mom do for a job?
Logan: Cleaning up and stuff you have so many jobs

What is your mom's favorite food?
Logan: pasta

What makes you proud of your mom?
Logan: listening

If your mom was a cartoon, who would she be?
Logan: princess leia

What do you and your mom do together?
Logan: just go out by ourselves

How are you and your mom the same?
Logan: we are both like this (points to his arm)

How are you and your mom different?
Logan: we get old and new and stuff

How do you know that your mom loves you?
Logan: because I just know

What does your mom like best about your dad?
Logan: cause he lawn mowers and cuts down stuff and he does all kinds of stuff you like

Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Logan: Disneyland


Letti said...

That was sweet April.