Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hands full huh?

So when the time for grocery shopping comes, I get a little nervous. Not because it's a lot of money or because it takes me forever to prepare, it's merely the task of taking the kids with me that makes me cringe. Yesterday was grocery shopping day. I was a little more nervous yesterday for two reasons: One I had to go at nap time (never a good idea) and two I waited so long to make this trip we needed a lot of food. Those of you with kids understand. So we get to the store and Logan wants to drive a car. Fine with me it's easier if they both drive and I can speed shop (remember that show supermarket sweep?). But it never ends up that way! Logan is driving, Brooklyn is screaming and now she wants to be held. Between holding her, her screaming and trying not to knock Logan's head off on an aisle (he likes to hang his head out of the little car) people start to stare. I'm trying to drive and my kids are screaming. Logan is pulling stuff off the aisles and throwing them in the cart. Brooklyn won't ride, she has to be held. Forget about bargain shopping at this point I'll grab the first thing I see. Anyway after many a stare and plenty "Looks like you got your hands full" remarks, I begin to checkout. Whew I made it!. So it's the easiest part and when I'm all bagged and ready to go the clerk asks the inevitable "Do you need help out" I say well that depends on the kind of help, do you babysit? Ha! I was thinking the real help I need at the store is, either someone to help me with the actual shopping or a built in childcare center in the store much like IKEA has. Wouldn't that be great?


Jessica said...

I've had those moments, its no fun at all!

Amelia said...

You're hilarious!! I've SOO had those moments shopping and we speed shop too, sometimes when I forget something on an aisle that I've already gone down I have to just forget it because theres no going back!!!

apee said...

ha ha I tried to explain to Rick why I couldn't get his MT DEW and Amelia that's exactly why!

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful idea!!! Childcare at the store.